It’s almost time to Open It! This weekend, 3-5 December, is when we can get those special bottles and open them just for the sake of opening them. Mark and I have also managed to arrange for lots of people to be snowed in so you have an even better excuse to drink a beer from the stash…! It’s simple: just choose a bottle you’ve been saving for ages and open it.
Then tell others about it on twitter (use the #openit hashtag), blogs, facebook or even in real life. It’s a chance to drink those beers while they are (hopefully) still good because the last thing we want is to hoard a beer for years and then find out it’s way passed its best!
Open It! this weekend.
Argh, my ‘beer buddy’ who helps me with drinking, sampling, and carrying many bottles back in a rucksack from jaunts around the world has been unexpectedly seconded to New York this weekend – now I have a dilemma! Do I open some of those carefully-hoarded beers and guzzle them all to myself in their absence, or hold back till they return?