Just a quick heads up that The Free Trade Inn in Newcastle is hosting the launch of what sounds like a fantastic beer, Tyne Bank Piccolo Black from 19:00 on Monday 6th Feb 2012.
Piccolo Black, is a collaboration between local Barista, Piccolo Coffee and Tyne Bank Brewery. It is a black pale ale brewed with Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee which when drank iced produces lime and vanilla flavours. The hops, US Magum, Cascade and Galaxy complement the coffee along with the malt blend to give a hoppy ale with deep flavours, it weighs in at 5.1% and if It’s half as good as the other beers I’ve had from Tyne Bank or the coffee from Piccolo it will be great!!
You can find out more on the Tyne Bank Website, Piccolo Coffee Website or follow Tyne Bank, Piccolo and The Free Trade Inn on Twitter.