A few months ago Adnams released a Handcrafted Ales selection case, it contained 6 bottles, 6 different styles from around the world, well that was the plan but they were out of one of the beers so It was replaced by a second bottle of the American Style IPA, the case also included A Kolner, Dry Irish Stout,Wit Beer and a Wheat Beer. It cost about £17 including delivery (if my memory serves me correctly). I love the design on the box and bottles, it’s a bit different from the traditional Adnams branding but sits nicely alongside their core range.
It pours a lovely clear copper colour with a big foamy off white head, it’s smells delicious and kind of how you would expect from a c-hopped IPA, citrusy grapefruit and lemon zest and some orange. The body was lovely and smooth, with less carbonation than the head would suggest.
Flavour wise Adnams American IPA was well balanced, biscuity sweet malt with the grapefruit hop character, theres a good does of pine needles chucked in with a few herbal, almost clove like notes. Fantastic!
Adnams American IPA is a fantastic beer that I think punches above it’s weight at 6.8% it’s sublimely drinkable and will get you into as much trouble as Innovation, this puts it up there with Innovation as my favourite Adnams beer.
It’s beautifully well balanced, not too hoppy, not too malty and with just the right amount of carbonation it’s great for when you want a hop fix but don’t want your brains blowing out with huge massive hop kicks.
Hat’s off to Fergus and the guys over at Adnams for trying something different, unfortunately I’ve now drank the second bottle so I’ll have to start on the other beers in the case.
You can buy the beers here, follow Adnams on twitter here, read my Adnams beer reviews here, or read the Meet the brewer with Fergus here.
I shared a bottle of this with Fletch on Saturday and thought it was excellent. Lots of flavour, loads of hops and easy drinking. I’d love to try a cask or keg version too. I didn’t check the bottle but the board we ordered from said 6.8%… I don’t know which is correct though – it certainly tasted pretty big.
Adnams are doing a great job at the moment and they are pretty exciting. We should get over to the brewery sometime! Did someone say Twissup…!
Cheers Andy, glad you liked.
You’re welcome down here anytime.
Thanks Fergus, I’ll be sure to come down over the summer, got some walking planned down your way so it would be rude not to sample some local hostelries