I’ve basically just copied this post straight from Mark @ pencil and spoon – he writes far more eloquently than me and i’m in a lazy saturday morning mood, so i’ve put my comments in orange!
so here are the plans for the big blogger beer swap.
Awesome take up so far, reaching out to more than just beer bloggers and into brewers and pubs and non-blogging drinkers. This is good. Beer Swap is out there and I’m sure we can snare a few more in this week… Before we finalise the deal, here’s some more things to sort out between us.
1. The number of bottles? I’m going to say let’s do four. It’s probably better to go for a moderate number for a few reasons: cheaper postage, cheaper to buy the beers, quicker to drink them, shorter blog posts. – Agreed – 4 is easy to package and send
2. The type of beer you send is totally up to you, but I’d say make it the best local stuff you can find. Don’t just send any old crap because they brew down the road, get the good stuff. And try and go for a bit of variety, so send beer from at least two breweries. And if you brew your own then feel free to put that in too. – Agreed – There are a couple of places round here id not dare send beer from but there are also some crackers, the test package we tried to get the 4 bottles for no more than a tenner – i think the most expensive ones I purchased were £.2.50 each
3. How the hell do we select who sends to who? This is the tricky thing logistically. I think the sensible starting point is to create as North/South divide and draw between them. I also think it’d be better if it’s all interlinked, so you don’t just send and receive with the same beer brother. I think randomly drawing names works, so maybe a live draw over twitter – Live draw sounds like a laugh – happy to video it too if need be, woudn’t want people to think it was a fix.
4. Finishing dates. You need to send, receive, drink and blog by is the 4th December (blog it any time in the week before) and then we can do a little round-up for the 6th December. I think this works… Yup i agree, if the parcel place that we used for test beer swap works then it could be quite straight forward
If anyone has anything else to add then drop us a line or shout at Mark @ pencil and spoon
And a huge thank you to Barm/Robsterowski for the logo : it totally rocks! – Yup it’s great – i too owe you a pint!
Excellent! 😀