Bowland Sky Dancer was another of the two Bowland Beers I picked up along with Headless Peg from Hambleton Brewery.
This one takes it’s name from the Hen Harrier which is locally known as the Sky Dancer because of it’s elaborate flying displays, I can just imagine being sat outside a pub near the Bowland Forest, drinking a pint of this and watching the birds fly.
Bowland Sky Dancer
My first impressions of this beer were that it was a lot lighter than the Headless Peg and not quite as full of flavour or as tasty, however it was still a pretty fine beer.
It was light and summery, with a little bit of peach and a hint of grapefruit, it would almost compare it to the Badger range of beers that have a similar peachy flavour.
Sky dancer was a little bit fizzier and didn’t have as much body as the Headless Peg. It also had a lovely bitter aftertaste that slowly melted away leaving you wanting more.
Out of the two Bowland Beers I have had, this was Emily’s favourite she thought it was very tasty and just about right for her, not too bitter, not too sweet or flowery, so i guess that means i won’t be seeing any of the remaining bottles.
If you see this beer in the shop or are lucky enough to be close to the brewery i would definitely give it a try as it would make a cracking party or session beer.
This is actually cracking beer.
Toffe, caramel, vanilla fudge, peanuts grass and resin. madly some cerial/pastry from france.
light and malty, a little bit of hops in the end, no obvious fruit flavors but some fruity undertones. Slighty nutty and resinous.