Brewsters Bundle was in one of the gift packs that Hogs Back Kindly sent me, I have already reviewed A over T and T.E.A and like so many other beers it has a story behind it… Brewsters Bundle was brewed to celebrate the birth of one of the brewer’s daughters.
It weighs in at a not to shabby 7.4%, comes in a 330ml bottle and is described as Bronze coloured with a honeyed aroma and sweetish palate.
Brewsters Bundle
It pours a lovely amber colour that has a slightly hazy appearance that gives it a lovely warm glow, It’s not particularly fizzy so you don’t get much of a head, which will put quite a lot of beer drinkers off, but it shouldn’t.
The aromas are sweet and of honey giving it an almost caramel smell – just like it said in the description, there are a lot of rich malts, and oranges there too.
The taste is rich, sweet and malty, It’s almost bordering on a barley wine, It’s quite a heavy beer and there are only hints of hops and bitterness but it is quite smooth although there is a definite alcoholic kick to it.
Brewsters Bundle isn’t something I could drink a pint of so the little 330ml bottle is about perfect, Overall I think it is a pretty tasty ale with a nice balance and would be perfect for a cold winter’s night sat in front of the fire with a big bowl of freshly roasted chestnuts.
The pack it came in would make a great Christmas present for any beer lovers you know – you can buy them here, you can also follow Hogs Back on Twitter for all of their latest news and goings on or check out their website.