This was another beer that i picked up from @beermerchants on twitter, along with a couple of their others, although after tasting this one i wish i had ordered some OOKS and the other couple that i didn’t plump for.

Gadds of Ramsgate No.3
The main thing that attracted me to this ale was actually the description on the website.
The bottle conditioned version of the excellent no 3. Brewed using English malt and hops. Magnificent aftertaste combining the malt and hops. Eddie Gadd brews a great range of real ales, locally distributed around Ramsgate, but with a calling from far further afield. Complex aroma but predominantly hoppy. Crystal clear when poured, amber coloured with small head. The hoppiness continues into the taste. A very good drinking beer
Eddie numbers his beers according to how many pints it takes him to feel very merry.
Firstly i love English Ale, it doesn’t get the credit it deserves, possibly because there are too many similar ones kicking around the supermarkets, secondly i like to support the smaller breweries, in this case Ramsgate where Gadds is brewed and finally i love hoppy and drinkable beers, the description on the site ticked all of the boxes.
I particularly liked the line about Eddie numbering the beers according to how merry he gets, even if it’s not true its a great little story.
Anyway onto the beer, It comes in a rather nice tall bottle with simple branding (which i like), it opened with a nice little bit of a hiss, which is always satisfying with bottle conditioned ale.
The bottle suggests a couple of different ways of pouring, one of which was into a Gadds pint glass, which unfortunately i don’t have, shame really as they look really cool, i just went for the straight pour it into a glass, yeast and all, Even after pouring the entire contents of the bottle into my glass the beer was still a lovely clear dark golden colour with a good sized pale white head,
The main aromas i got were sweet caramel, hops and a hint of yeast coming from the fact it was bottle conditioned. The caramel and hops transferred into the flavour, the dominant flavour being the hops, with a floral hint and some malty caramel thrown in for good measure.
No.3 was really well balanced and felt great on my tongue, it made the edges tingle and that made me crave more.
I was actually pretty gutted i reached the bottom of the bottle so quickly, I’d only ordered one bottle and that was a huge mistake, the spiel on the website was correct, it is a very drinkable beer, in fact is Gadds No.3 is one of the most drinkable beers i have tried, it’s a proper English hop bomb made in the heart of Kent, and for that Eddie and Co – I salute you.
Check out Ramsgate brewery on twitter and also Eddie Gadd on twitter
This is a great beer, for sure. The cask version is super. Luckily down in Kent we can buy No. 3 in Waitrose along with the porter. With your next beermerchants order you must pick up a Reserve Barely Wine and the Oyster Stout – great beers!
And that glass is pretty cool too 😉
That’s not fair, u get gadds we get mainly rubbish! Although we do get timmy Taylor, black sheep and theakstons they aren’t exacly hard to get hold of.
I’ve got India and ancestors and dogbolter, will add the others into my nxt order for sure
[…] Gadss No.3 […]
Sounds fantastic. One for the next beermerchants order, definitely. Wonder if they have an Amazon-style wishlist facility on their website..? It’s getting hard to remember all the recommendations I want to follow up on.