Being a fan of Original Innis & Gunn Oak Aged, I had to pick this up when I saw it on the shelf. It’s in a clear glass bottle, I have never been a victim of “skunked” beer but our local Tesco has a huge glass front which bathes the beer aisle with sunlight. I think it’s only a matter of time! I can see why the marketers like it, it looks lovely on the shelf! Fortunately the light had left this bottle alone.
The description reads as though it is brewed as a lighter variation on the original and that is largely how it tastes. The oak is easy to pick out in the aroma with hints of fruit/vanilla, it smells great! The head was thin, bubbly and slightly off white.
The beer is very smooth and full of flavour, although not quite as full as the original. I definitely enjoyed it, the Vanilla is less noticeable in the taste which is more fruity and sweet than I had expected and the wood comes back through in the finish.
Overall it is very well rounded, but I prefer the original, as it’s a more interesting beer. Definitely one worth trying.
We just happened to be having a Chinese at the time which didn’t really suit this. I can see myself reaching for it in the colder months to go with a hotpot or a casserole.
I was also watching Tron on DVD at the time, which is a great accompaniment to any beer!
Author: Scott Edwards
Sounds Good, I think I will give it a try. Though im not sure how well the whisky and vanilla mix will sit with me.
Cheers for the review
I still prefer the original to the blonde