Williams Brothers are one of the few breweries that do Twitter well, they interact, they answer questions and the listen to feedback, A while back I got chatting to them and they sent me some of the test batch of their Ginger Beer, when It arrived I was most surprised (and pleased) that they had sent me a few of their other ales to try as well. I’ve had a few of their ales before on cask and in bottles and haven’t as of yet had a bad one.
After supping both my bottles of rather delicious Ginger Beer, I turned to the box that was sitting by the back door waiting to be inducted into the beer cupboard after the rather geeky task of creating a spreadsheet of BBF dates. The first bottle I pulled out was Williams Rooster, a 4.3% ABV Scottish Red Ale.
It poured just that – deep dark red with a huge bubbly head, the aromas were of malty sweetness, a little bit of hop and a bit of nut.
Taste wise it was unique, I don’t recall trying a beer that tasted like this before, it’s got quite a lot going on but it all mellows into a lovely finish.
The body is lovely, full, deep and quite creamy, there’s a big hit of malt and sweetness followed by some citrus from the hops, there’s also some herbs and spice in there, something flowery like coriander or parsley, there is also a bit of a woody almost oak taste to the beer which is nice and mellow. The finish is bitter, dry and malty, great stuff.
All in all i loved it, it’s not a beer I could drink pints of but it is most certainly one I could drink regularly. right now Williams Brothers and Scotland in general are making some amazing beers and I need to try more of them.
I will review the rest of the beers very soon, I am just catching up on a backlog of reviews as and when I can as I’ve got lots going on at the moment.
In the meantime follow them on twitter here or visit their shiny new website here.
I’ve tried a few of their beers and wasn’t that taken with them. Maybe I’ll have to revisit this one and give it another go.
Their Aged fraoch (see open it post) and the joker ipa are my faves i think, oh and their ginger beer.